Healing Services to Awaken your Spirit and Nurture your Body

Reiki and Energy Balancing, Reiki Classes, Reflexology and Intuitive Coaching

In these times of transformative opportunities within our changing world and daily lives, do you experience a search for more well-being, peace, self love/love for others, empowerment, vitality and balance within your mind, body, and spirit?

Are you sensing that it is time to seek more ways to nurture, heal and empower yourself that once alluded you as you thought you were "too busy" for self honoring care? Are you constantly looking outside of yourself for all that you feel could bring wellness, peace and vitality?

If you said “yes” to any of these questions, then you’re in the right place.



  • In-person sessions only.
    Price: $65

  • In-person sessions only.

    Price: $90


  • Remote and in-person sessions available.

    Price: $65

  • Remote and in-person sessions available.

    Price: $90


  • Reiki and reflexology combination.

    In-person sessions only.

    Price: $110

“Love is a choice with every breath.” — Mona Thiel


Level 1 Usui Holy Fire Reiki

  • The training is a full day of exploration of the history and techniques of Reiki including The Three Pillars of Reiki as outlined by founder Dr. Mikao Usui, a study of the energy centers within called chakras and corresponding healing and balancing techniques, the practical application of Reiki during a Reiki treatment and the placement (attunement) of Level 1 Reiki. Upon completion of this class you will be a Level 1 Practitioner.

Level 2 Usui Holy Fire Reiki        

  • The training is a full day, with primary focus of meaning and application of the powerful and sacred symbols within your Reiki practice. There will be an exploration of advanced techniques of Reiki and Level 2 Reiki placement (attunement) with ample time for practice. This level of study offers the student an opportunity to more fully integrate with Reiki. Upon completion of this class you will be a Level 2 Reiki Practitioner. The student must have completed Level 1 Training to take this class.

    Pre-requisite: Reiki Level 1 Certificate

Usui Holy Fire Reiki Master             

  • The journey of Usui Holy Fire III Reiki Master is a deep sacred commitment of our own innate knowing of the healing power of Reiki within ourselves and our own life and the desire to become Reiki and to integrate it within our practice, teaching and daily life. Master students are offered many opportunities for spiritual expansion through the Power of Love and Holy Fire Wisdom during the three days of experiential training. The Master symbol, the Holy Fire Symbol and Ignitions are offered with extensive and insightful training of the sacred meanings of the levels of consciousness. Students learn advanced techniques and an exploration of crystal grids and The World Peace Grid.

    Prerequisite: Reiki Level 2 who have practiced

“Mona is one of the most loving, beautiful spirited people I know. With her guidance through classes, spiritual coaching and appointments (which is always done in the most nurturing setting), I have changed my life in so many positive ways. She’s truly a gift and you will always leave her with more love in your heart and a big smile.

— Tara U.