A Bit About Me…

I am an Usui Holy Fire Master Reiki Practitioner/Teacher, Certified Medical Reiki Master, Certified Reflexologist and Spiritual Coach who entered the journey of wholistic healing after serving people with developmental disabilities for over 28 years in a continuum of services. I have been practicing and teaching Reiki for over 18 years and Reflexology for 8 years. I am a graduate of “Inner Visions Institute’s” Spiritual Development Program studying under nationally acclaimed author and Spiritual Coach Rev. Dr. Iyanla Vanzant, at the International Institute of Reflexology. In addition, I studied Medical Reiki under the founder and Medical Reiki Master, Raven Keyes. Through Reiki and Reflexology, I offer transformative healing and energetic balancing leading to increased relaxation and wellness which supports and enhances wholeness and zest for life.

My passion in spiritual coaching is with a focus on self-honoring love, empowerment, and life visioning through personal sessions, group retreats and workshops. I offer Level 1, 2, Master and Master Teaching Level Reiki Classes in groups and individually as preferred by the student.  

I am here to support your awakening to all that is calling you whether it be through Reiki healing, energetic balancing, meditative peace, life visioning or other processes to release self imposed barriers to love, light and joy. It is my powerful intention to consistently heal within in order to demonstrate, be on purpose and facilitate others to share the message of love, light and healthy life fulfillment.

In these times of opportunity to slow down and reprioritize the value and importance of honoring and nurturing ourselves in mind, body and spirit, I am here to support you on your journey of healing and connecting to your own innate healing power through Reiki and Reflexology healing opportunities.

Is Reiki Healing Beaconing You?

Please take a look at this short video where I share about the healing power of Reiki and my many years of facilitating it for others.

Through Reiki and Reiki training, I have had the honor of witnessing so many people opening up more and more to the love that they truly are, and as a result, all the love they have to offer to others through the positive life changes they experienced.

I hope you will join me on this journey too.

The Journey

It is such a spirited opportunity and gift to show up in the world as an Usui Holy Fire III Reiki Master Teacher, Certified Medical Reiki Master, Sacred Childbirth Reiki Master, Certified Reflexologist, and Spiritual Life Coach. 

In 1992, after spending 28 years in the field of Developmental Disabilities, burned out… though passionate about serving others, I couldn’t imagine where my journey would lead me. I had just hit my bottom with alcohol addiction and knew my spirited time had come to fruition to love, trust and believe in myself, my abilities and empower myself in ways I’d never known before.

I knew my path was to synergize in the efforts of creating a better world to live in… beginning with myself.

Healing the pain in mind, body and spirit day by day… sometimes moment by moment and seeking the people, resources and opportunities that would support my healing… and finally realizing it all resided within me as I connected with the true spiritual essence and alignment within and, in turn, my own innate healing power.

I began “trusting the process” of recovery… recovery of lack of self-love, worthiness and spirted empowerment into the purposeful healer I have been called to serve others. Today, I stand grateful for this appointment and in awe by all the amazing transformative opportunities and tapestry of people that merge with my path at some level every day.

I am available to offer you my experience, wisdom and passion for life and living, not just through all the educational settings I’ve studied, but more importantly, from all my life experiences that have brought me here that may just shed some light for you.

I do believe that’s the true meaning of Oneness on our planet… to share our love, kindness, hope and strength while lifting and serving one another.

"Mona is an amazing Reiki teacher and practitioner. I took all my Reiki levels from Mona and it changed my life. It was a beautiful experience. As a practitioner, Mona is kind, empathetic, and a powerful conduit for Reiki. I have also received reflexology from Mona, and it was tremendously helpful. I recommend Mona unconditionally, as both a teacher and practitioner - it is an experience not to be missed."

— Gail L.