
The Healing Power of Reiki

Reiki is a Japanese holistic technique that brings forth healing, harmony, peace, relaxation and stress reduction. As we are all energetic beings, Reiki also clears and aligns our energetic pathways called meridians so that we may experience greater energetic balance. The power of Reiki is manifested through these light hands-on treatments that reminds us we are our own healers within and all that is required is to awaken to and integrate to that knowing and our innate healing wisdom. Reiki is a well respected part of integrative and complimentary health care. It is also recognized in many large hospitals throughout our country and the world as a treatment in pre- and post-operative surgeries. You can learn more about medical Reiki in the book by Raven Keyes called “Medical Reiki: A Groundbreaking Approach to Using Energy Medicine for Challenging Treatments.”

The Healing Power of Reflexology

Reflexology is a healing modality which supports the principles that there are reflexes in the feet and hands that correspond to the organs, glands and parts of the body.  Imbalances are assessed through reflexing the foot and hands in areas that may feel tender and sensitive.  The congestion is cleared out through manipulation of these areas to help restore function and balanced energy throughout the body. This unique method  of using the thumbs and fingers to reflex these areas brings forth increased energy, relieves stress, pain and tension, improves the nerve and blood supply leading to all organs and parts of our body, and brings forth greater mobility and flexibility in the hands and feet.

Becoming a Reiki Practitioner

As we become more aware of the knowing that we are truly our own healer within and as we lift our own energetic vibration, we naturally attract more wellness and healing within our mind, body and spirit. Reiki is a healing modality that offers loving energetic and consciousness expansion, balancing and healing. Reiki also facilitates the ability to not only amplify our own healing abilities through self care Reiki but offers us the opportunity to support our loved ones, friends, furry babies, and many others if we choose to bring Reiki within our lives professionally.

I am an Usui Holy Fire III Reiki Practitioner Teacher with over 18 years of experience. Becoming a Reiki healer is a beautiful sacred journey taught within a structure of several levels of training utilizing the study manual published by the International Center for Reiki Training.

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