The Healing Power of Reiki
Reiki is a Japanese holistic and non-invasive technique that brings forth healing, harmony, peace, relaxation and stress reduction.
As we are all energetic beings, Reiki also clears and aligns our energetic pathways called meridians so that we may experience greater energetic balance.
The power of Reiki is manifested through these treatments that we are our own healers within and all that is required is to awaken to and integrate to that knowing and our innate healing wisdom.
A Reiki session is offered by light hands on placements and above body if desired while laying fully clothed on a massage table. It can also be offered remotely, via Zoom or another video platform.
The benefits of Reiki are truly limitless. Most frequently reported include:
Reduces stress and brings forth relaxation
Decreases or relieves physical pain
Helps reduce and release feelings of anxiety, stress and tension.
Facilitates rest and peaceful sleep
Reduces effects from chemo and radiation therapies
Strengthens the immune system
Aids in cleansing toxins from the mind, body and spirit
Supports transition and healing during grief and other life transitions
Relieves and supports withdrawal from addictive behaviors and practices
Supports and accelerates healing after illness, surgery and other medical procedures
Enriches and deepens our spiritual connection
Reiki is a well respected part of integrative and complimentary health care. It is recognized in many large hospitals throughout our country and the world as a treatment in pre and post operative surgeries. Because it promotes healing and wholeness while supporting traditional medicine, Reiki is available through trained practitioners such as myself.